Curberlo Romero

Curbelo and Romero, P.A.

Curbelo and Romero, P.A.


4 Qualities to Look For in Guardianship Lawyers

When you need to establish legal guardianship over a loved one who can no longer make decisions for themselves, finding the right lawyer is crucial. As you search for guardianship lawyers to handle your case, here are four important qualities to look for. 1. Experience Handling Guardianship Cases Look for a lawyer with extensive experience […]

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guardianship lawyers

4 Things Guardianship Lawyers Wish You Knew

Are you thinking of becoming a guardian for someone? According to the ACLU, guardianship proceedings often treat capacity as a static concept, meaning that “if one doesn’t have capacity for everything, then one doesn’t have capacity for anything.” Becoming a guardian for someone is not so simple. Here are four things that guardianship entails. 1.

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guardianship lawyers

4 Responsibilities Guardianship Lawyers Want You to Keep in Mind

Being a guardian to an adult or minor is a serious position to hold. According to the National Council on Disability, at least 1.3 million disabled people are under guardianship in the United States. In the event you decide to establish or contest an existing guardianship, you would have to consult local lawyers for assistance.

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