Curberlo Romero

Curbelo and Romero, P.A.

4 Responsibilities Guardianship Lawyers Want You to Keep in Mind

guardianship lawyers

4 Responsibilities Guardianship Lawyers Want You to Keep in Mind

Being a guardian to an adult or minor is a serious position to hold. According to the National Council on Disability, at least 1.3 million disabled people are under guardianship in the United States. In the event you decide to establish or contest an existing guardianship, you would have to consult local lawyers for assistance. Here are some of the responsibilities these legal professionals want you to know about.

1. Ward’s Interest Come First

When you become a legal guardian, you must act in the best interest and care of the ward under you. It’s your responsibility to protect all of their legal rights and personal welfare. In addition, there may be a specific set of court orders to follow. For example, if you become a legal guardian to a minor, there may be specific rules to consider based on a will or trust.

2. Handle Finances

If you’re handling an adult ward, then they may have income, pension, assets, debts, and expenses you must take care of. A minor may also have an inheritance you may be in charge of until they come of age. Accurate receipts and details of any transactions that involve their finances may need to be submitted to the court. Doing so ensures money is being handled properly.

3. Provide Supervision

Anyone in need of guardianship will need supervision to ensure their overall safety and well-being. That means you should provide a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment at all times. They should always have proper medical care and access to the necessary social services. Any minor should always have access to proper education, including primary schooling, tutoring, or special needs learning.

4. Follow the Law

There may be specific regulations and laws regarding guardianship in your local jurisdiction. Luckily, guardianship lawyers can keep you up to date on such laws. Failure to follow the law can result in a loss or contestation of guardianship.

Taking on the role of caring for a minor or an adult is an important one. That’s why you must understand all the rules, regulations, and challenges that come with it. When you take on such a role, you must act in the best interest of the ward. Take the first step in doing so by seeking the right legal advice and representation. Contact our local guardianship lawyers today.

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